Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Let me say everything's fine,
yes he's doing well 
These rose colored glasses aren't getting rusty and the spilled milk just needs to be mopped up

yea i'm mad but its ok
y do you get to be rude?
because your scared too?
but boo its your fault too
o u quit? well i resign too
no please dont go
i need you here or u want me there?

look all will end well
it will, ok?
no dont get mad at me
no don't hang up the call

what now when i cant even hate u
i'm not allowed to be angry, to scream and punch and fight
its all i kno, is love, its my downfall i've been told, i'll love u and b mad at myself
its so unhealthy i kno, can you cook something better for me? 

My lips sealed by your hand 
i can hear better with this blindfold on but am still getting nowhere
circles surround me
where is your saving grace now?
I used to be so fast
but since you took the wind out of me i move so slow 

this is supposed to be a message of hope but where's Obama now?
For those that will die tonight, I will fight
whether one or one million we all bleed right?

I'll carry on this charade for the future
It holds things we can't imagine possible now
but not only possible they are what's real
i'm big picture always seein what can be 

i used to be fearless
now i'm scared to death of you
so please understand when i say nothing
I guess you made me more human

someone asked me today
i didn't know what to say

baby please put the weapons away
i cant fight this, i wont fight you, you've won
i cant breath when u... when u...
make me powerless

The M Factor:

'via Blog this'

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