Monday, December 19, 2011

Healing Time... Oluwa Jo

All i want is justice but there's no court to sue for a broken heart, even when those promises are cosigned you can't get your money back.

Ladies want nothing more than for prince charming to come in and put the pieces together, but see that starts another tragedy

If we dont do our part we will never be free but realistically a man always has the power to bring a woman to her knees, even one as strong as me

But even grown men don't want to take the time to help a woman heal, but isnt that a mans job? or did women take it over in the equal rights movement

so these dudes yea they alright but they not a soulmate, do those even exist anymore? in this world where people are sold for less than a dime have we lost our souls?

I think i wish i never met u but since we'll never meet again what does it matter

you brought more pain than pleasure, something priceless manifested but then something priceless was lost; my classes didnt teach me about priceless gifts

and how does a superhero fall for a coward? in Gods house can coincidences exist?


Edem said...

Wow!!. It's really a time to heal. Ability to get up when we fall is what we need.
"Throw back the shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward and say to yourself... Nothing is impossible!" ~ Norman Vincent Peale
Note that "Each day is a new life. Seize it. Live it."
~ David Guy Powers.

Merely Me said...

Thanks Patrick i'm trying yea