Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The Good Life in Pretoria
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Missing America
Nothing new
A good, pure heart
Saturday, July 20, 2013
More than a feeling
It was more than a feeling
More than love
A resting place, a knowing deep in the soul, stomach and mind.
A search ended, no questions remained
Should've told you to stay, sleeping on the courtroom steps.
We both failed to see it at the time
Letting something, not someone tear us apart
As my quarter life crises came to a close not a pisces but a bull i found, your passion second only to our saviors
A match made in heaven
I should've insisted you stay
I shouldnt have gone
Whats an explorer without a quest?
How will I know when I've arrived? I've been here before but I cannot return without you.
New questions arise but no new answers
Are you surprised? We both knew it was more than a feeling.
Monday, July 8, 2013
A heretics letter
Why have you not vindicated us lord? Your faithful servants with hearts so pure they can be seen from heaven. Where is that again?
How can we believe when hezbollah and boko haram make headlines day after day killing in your name. Yes we had mother teresa but if the bad outweighs the good then whats the point of faith? You seldom come on time and the deepest wounds we carry come from your greatest commandmants. Love thy neighbor. Love thy lord. We get the least of love killed in your house, rejected on your mission. Tell me why i should keep my faith in you. The people that love you have shown hatred to me. Those claiming you as their lord are not adhereing ur word and still...
They make the most money, have the most friends and have no bad luck. We are lacking we are toiling as if still in genesis. Then strangers come to kill us.
A new disease a new bomb. If you wanted us in heaven dont u have a better way? I can think of several... reasons why we shouldnt believe u are sovreign. The wars big and small wgaed constantlg on this forsaken rock in the universe, the babies hunger cries, the childless wife, the suicidal/murderous teen. Where mother theresa stops they find their glory, vindication and truth. While we are stupidly still waiting for ours.
-a heretic
A Thought
Sunday, June 2, 2013
These dreams
Can't believe, no, I don't want to believe that I am here again
Same bed same room and same broken dreams
These dreams sit on the shelf daring to fly whenever the chance permits only to crash on the floor cover bent and pages torn
These dreams have been replaced by others more tangible more within reach more easily controlled not bending to the whims of men
Only fluttering like butterfly wings these dreams can't fly
Not alone
These dreams are you
You dream of me These dreams that can never come true
Why not pick up a different book begin to build on that this one is beat up
These dreams you know so well will always be on the shelf
If you only leave them there
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
I'll go
I'll leave and everything will be alright
You're better off without me.
Instead of asking for help instead of fitting comfortably in the life laid out for me.
Nights spent tossing in the sheets
Hours spent in tears on the slight chance they would fall into meaning.
staying put is like a square peg in a round hole
Taking the jet is putting whiteout on a Van Gogh
So it stands my ride is either a childhood travesty or an artistic disaster
Saturday, January 26, 2013
A prayer of hope for love
It might be all we say, more than ups and downs
the transformative power of fire has given it a strength surpassing human knowledge
it started out sloppy, it has been everything love shouldn't be....
but its has overcome all of that and more
holding onto simple things like your laugh and my touch
God changed two people wholly and by that many more bystanders
I used to want a picture perfect love but I'm glad I have a real one
Happy we didn't give up because only until you go to the ends of the earth do you know who will follow you there.
In the fire we still stand striving for perfection
One day it will cool, a beacon of hope a testament of His power.
Friday, January 18, 2013
silent confessions
How can abuse work its way into a pure life?
How can I stand on a soapbox at work and be speechless at home?
Why is no one allowed to hear the screams or see the moisture fall down her face?
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Half Open, Half Broken
All my mind is concerned with is the last thing I said to you...
Its just like a woman to cry her eyes out and not even know why.
Just like the weaker sex to want a man that doesn't treat her right.
The curse of eve, and its funny to me, how every detail of our life is worked out in advance
But we can't beat the deadline, we can't catch a sneak peek
We just have to settle down and hope they don't sneak
In this jumbled up mess theres a story, a heart, half open and half broken
Some of us know what it is to fall out of line to never be understood, never loved the way we should
Its a torrential rain this mess of mine, I can't keep the tears back long enough to shout so drowned out like the muzak on an elevator I stay in the rain.
If love can't make you happy what can? water falling on your skin? the touch of a stranger again?
where is love in understanding?
These riddles, these test questions, they aren't helping anyone, but what's the solution then?
Make yourself miserable for love, no, I mean the one you love should put up with being miserable for awhile, I mean if you ask them nicely right? isn't that where the saying "misery loves company" came from? yea I bet it came out of love...
Stupid, senseless, fools rush in kind of love. better not to say it only show it and feel it saying it only makes it fake. What was it? the last thing I said to you?
"I love you."