Saturday, July 20, 2013

More than a feeling

It was more than a feeling 

More than love
A resting place, a knowing deep in the soul,  stomach and mind. 
A search ended, no questions remained
Should've told you to stay, sleeping on the courtroom steps.
We both failed to see it at the time  
Letting something, not someone tear us apart                                 
As my quarter life crises came to a  close not a pisces but a bull i found, your passion second only to our saviors 
A match made in heaven 
I should've insisted you stay
I shouldnt have gone  
Whats an explorer without a quest?  
How will I know when I've arrived? I've been here before but I cannot return without you.             
New questions arise but no new answers                            

 Are you surprised?  We both knew it was more than a feeling.

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