Saturday, January 14, 2012

what has come to pass

everything changes, everything grows and then everything dies...

I am no exception,
looking back I see some pillars have remained in me amidst all the changes
passion, spirituality, strength, protection, curiosity, reasoning, and sacrifice.

whatever my flavor of the time im greatly passionate about it

spirituality and the belief in ethics, good, and love conquering all the darkness has been paramount

as privileged as i have been in life some episodes required great strength physical, mental, and emotional, and i always found it within me to carry on

sometimes i needed to protect those worth saving, family or friends, most of the time i needed protection and most of the time someone was watching out for me

curiosity is in my nature, i wont let anything stop me from attaining the knowledge i want, thankfully i've had the freedom to do attain it

to be true to myself i must reason through the lastest trend to not be a sheep, but to give real meaning to my life and my actions

finally sacrifice, its been necessary to achieve, if only temporarily, the greatest gifts whether love, wealth, or fame that you seek sacrifice is the only way to achieve the best of these honors.

I believe the greatest love comes from the greatest sacrifice, some relations have been very easy no drama no fighting they seem to know what u want or need before you do but certainly there will be a time when you need to reason or sacrifice to overcome a problem.

Other relations are constantly filled with arguments, trust issues, and the like that you need constant communication, understanding and sacrifice on a daily basis.

most people give up on both of these and settle, settle for something they can live in without ever confronting anything, settle for someone that doesnt take a stand because they dont even feel you're worth any sacrifice. I've always been one to put it all on the line, go all in and sacrifice substantially its always paid off, i have few regrets and those that i do, well i would regret not trying more.

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