Sunday, January 29, 2012

Burnt Soul

i would do everything, but He says i dont have to do anything still you do nothing

We ripped, shredded, and trampled what God put together, far from keeping it together we shattered it along with my heart.

It's been months, many months, y am i still so weak? so feeble in faith and fun I must deserve to be miserable

I can waste away in my bed or his, either way its a waste filled with remnants of your fire

inside my heart, mind, and soul flames rage and suffocate my rationality

i've prayed i've fasted, i've prostrated and lasted.... until now

i scream for saving and you do nothing

never been too weak to save myself until now

so i let him throw punches, blow after blow to my sanity, my sense of self a pile of ashes

i welcome it i suppose, what else is a burnt soul good for

like a burnt house it wil be vandalized, gutted and soon removed from the earth

so i wait til my prayer is answered or you both return to sanity or my Savior comes

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