Thursday, December 29, 2011


you're not all the same thats true but you have a lot of work to do for the baddest of your bad created the baddest of the fairer sex, it was he who made her this way.

now you see why you have to work so hard to let us kno u won't default on ur promises, that ur words are not spoken in vain... well the good ones do.

I've known men that make sure they are never the reason for your tears, but are always near to wipe them away.

I've heard alot of "i love you's" I stop believing in words, they are to men what the body is to women,

a means to manipulation
so much time passed
if silence is golden why do i still feel so poor?
months have passed, yes it been months, soon it will be years
numbness fades to shock, and shock to anger, it subsides in me i cant stay angry
pity is all i have because when u realize ur mistake i wont be there
my soul aches with dread, my head even my heart kno better but the soul remains with you
for now or forever for better or worse
each love letter heaven sent
but no soul, no love requited, every piece still remains with you
I want so much to don the costume again
of the superhero you and He adore
this time i'll b wonder woman and you'll wonder how i ever got over you

Monday, December 19, 2011

Healing Time... Oluwa Jo

All i want is justice but there's no court to sue for a broken heart, even when those promises are cosigned you can't get your money back.

Ladies want nothing more than for prince charming to come in and put the pieces together, but see that starts another tragedy

If we dont do our part we will never be free but realistically a man always has the power to bring a woman to her knees, even one as strong as me

But even grown men don't want to take the time to help a woman heal, but isnt that a mans job? or did women take it over in the equal rights movement

so these dudes yea they alright but they not a soulmate, do those even exist anymore? in this world where people are sold for less than a dime have we lost our souls?

I think i wish i never met u but since we'll never meet again what does it matter

you brought more pain than pleasure, something priceless manifested but then something priceless was lost; my classes didnt teach me about priceless gifts

and how does a superhero fall for a coward? in Gods house can coincidences exist?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Love to say

I would give anything for you to know that I dont think of you anymore that nothing, not even the music reminds me of you.

You are not worthy to occupy my thoughts much less my soul anymore. Because its not the destination its how you get there, and when you derailed the train I nearly died.

The truth is I do recall, and at the times when I'm most vulnerable, when I'm about to love again I try to keep it from ruining my future because you are the past.

More truth is I will never believe what you do, I will never say it was ok, I will never lose my faith because you lost yours.

I will always say that you are too scared to love, a coward hiding in the distance.

Keep my name out of your mouth until you realize your mistake, especially in prayer it would be sacrilegious for you to utter a prayer for me, Its up to me to keep my future safe in His view.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sad eyes

If you could see them, wouldn't change a thing

I want to say "fuck u" but the Christ in me wont let me do anything but forgive you

I'm very weak from crying each Sunday, still wondering if this was really His doing or your own human error,

I dont even want to be superwoman anymore I want to be taken care of.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lessons Learned

Got me thinking every man is a dirty liar because if you could break ur promise who couldnt?
A promise you made that I didn't even ask for.

Men are meant to lead, the good ones will lead you to elevated places you've never been.
Boys only lead to despair

What if I am too scared to leave myself open again?
I'm not I will never give up but I will fight to perserve the pure and good heart God blessed me with.

What if the deja vu is so severe i can't let his love in, after all he is so much like you
It is hard he's a Taurus too and Yoruba, ife mi were u really just practice?

Is it your fault or mine?

What you see is, a broken soul, thats worth healing, within a beauty that has the will to recover
who finds a virtuous woman? For her prize is far above rubies

After you paint yourself purple for someone can you ever really become a blank slate again?
only by the mercy and grace of God

No one but God may recognize you afterwards
he will have you appear at the right time and place!