Sunday, October 23, 2011


Well I really never thought i would find a flaw in the women's liberation movement, and maybe it was an unintended consequence but I think it has most of us confused on where we draw the line.

where should we draw the line? well i think its when it comes to dating, after all do we really want to take on the traditional "guy" role in relationships? When done properly, it's alot of work! I think its a mistake for girls to try and take on the male role, guys are programmed to know how to make a woman their wife and they are proud of this fact, why would we want to take that from them? I mean isn't it fair to say the notion of a girl trying/succeeding in making a man her husband has a negative connotation? it gives the implication of manipulation or that the guy must be weak. One could say this is just stigma but in most cases i think it gives us an accurate picture, and its not a pretty one. Not a good look for ladies, even the girls that would do that dont want to brag about it, like a guy would brag about getting a good woman to be his wife.

I dont think theres any magic formula, theres no set of rules to follow, all i'm saying is as ladies if we dont want to feel like we are doing all the work in a relationship we have to allow them to do some, but thats the easy part, the hard part is knowing that if he doesn't step up you would be better off walking away, and then actually leaving so you can find one that will make you truly happy.

He will do everything you want without you having to ask, or plan all the dates, he wont have the expectation of sex every time he sees you or ever harm you. Even if you've never experienced this, if you know your worth and love yourself then you should know you can have a guy that is this perfect for you. but this isnt meant to be some build up for self loathing girls, its a wake up call, we have to stop thinking gender equality applies to relationships.

believe there is someone that can make you smile just at the thought of them, make you glow in a way that even strangers can see, and fill you with peace just knowing they have your back. He does all this and constantly lets you know you are loved and beautiful. God made someone for you how could he not hold these traits.

Its hard, but i believe he's worth waiting for, i've never settled, not going to start now.


1 comment:

wsgeorge said...

I believe the women's liberation movement has a deep flawed, but for even graver and more fundamental reasons.
True, they needed some sort of liberation. No, actually, a lot of it. Men have taken advantage of women for far too long, and society is never free until both sexes have equal opportunities.

However, I feel it is needlessly naive to react so violently and thoughtlessly to the prevailing male dominance seemingly without regard to the obvious. Going down to a more evolutionary level, the sexes are fundamentally different. This cannot be overlooked.

I feel for far too long this women's lib movement has been hijacked by resentful females and misguided in certain directions. You point out that it cannot apply to relationships. That is true. Some of those who pursue "gender equality" ironically want to be treated as ladies in the bedroom. Not good.

Rather, it will have more meaning to the world if women acknowledged their invaluable roles in a society that has mutual respect for both sexes, and did more to be outstanding in those roles. It's not a matter of women assuming the traditional guy roles in society.

True, it can be done, and the monopoly men have on such powerful roles must eventually be broken. But fighting for the assumption of such roles is not the best way to go about it. It will be better if they fought for greater respect/equal treatment from their male counterparts, but more importantly, I believe society needs realistic examples of maternal leadership, which may offer better solutions to our problems. :)

And for men who take advantage of women, well they're just plain [insert expletive here]!