Tuesday, October 18, 2011

you gotta open your eyes

I gotta open your eyes, as so many have done for me

am i the only one that thinks its best to develop domestic business and oil companies rather than feeling good about foreign companies providing a "fair share" of their profits to a few lucky government officials in Africa.

do you know they dont teach us a damn thing about the developing world in high school where did those sections of World history go? I understand though, its so clear that what their generations allowed to happen is so obviously painfully wrong. I wouldnt want people studying my most shameful moments for decades to come.

How could we ever have thought it was remotely ok or right or justified that people should be invaded, removed from their own land and then forced to work for free to feed and make rich those arrogant capitalists. how? no really how? how does a group of educated men come to think that colonialism is a path worth pursuing?

Do you think they put themselves in the natives shoes for even an instant? do you think they twisted the words of whatever Holy book was ruling at the time to give them a manifest destiny? Do you think they needed any justification at all? It must have been temporary insanity, but no excuses.

If we were forced to leave our homes and families today, allowed to take nothing with us, while those that forced us out took our possessions, sold them in markets and kept every bit of the revenue for themselves until there was not a single thing left in the house, how many of us would survive beyond a months time? But if you did survive and found a second chance, would you have the strength to fight those that displaced you and your neighbors?

you dont know that billions live on less than $2 a day, ok you're thinking, some days I dont spend any money, or the food there must be cheaper. but even if it was 1920's prices and bread cost a nickel and meat cost $2 so each day you dont have enough for food, much less clothes, shoes, and feeding family members. This is everyday and they dont have shelters they may even be terrorized by war.

Kids should never have to fear for their lives or bury their parents before they even have the chance to become parents themselves. Parents shouldn't have to expect that they will bury even one of their children, and from preventable diseases and conditions. This is not how God intended for things to be, it can't be. We messed this up its the least we can do to sacrifice our generation for change. Change to better the world not the change of our ancestors, obsessed with gold and conquests. Right now the world needs Hope and Change.

 I think even the biggest problems of the world boil down to the biggest problems of the individual, people just want to be loved, they want to be respected, that means listened to and educated.

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

wsgeorge said...

Most people want what they see on tv; money, power and fame.