Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I can see the future

I see it just needs time
I see everything glittering and gold
Even in the Sahara there will be water
Money will not be the focus
All people will be proud
The bombs will be diffused
and Peace will come in the native's way

Bodies will be buried only after old age
no child will be abandoned or left hungry
we must be patient with ourselves
this race will not be won if we try to run
we must stand up before we can walk

look east across the ocean dont you see it?
the future
look west, its there in the earthquake ruble
the future

the future needs us more than we need now
so fight for yourselves dont lay in wait
some wil have to perish but thats what we do to ourselves
all in the name of the future
greed may be worth killing for but the future is worth dying for
the greatest lesson we can learn is not to wait until we've been pushed to far
lets make it clear
lets not wait for the time to come but make it appear

can you see the future

look east across the ocean dont you see it?
the future
look west, its there in the earthquake ruble
the future

we should all see our future


wsgeorge said...

This poem was simple yet effective.

Merely Me said...

thanks Bro