Friday, October 12, 2012

Feeling like a Failure

Is it true that some of us are stronger than others?

some of us can run longer or faster
some of us can carry more weight, take on more burdens
some of us dont feel like giving up as quickly some of us have more stamina
some of us have more perseverance

Is it true that some of us don't get defeated as easily? There are those who don't break down emotionally as often as others.

Their bodies can withstand more punishment and their mind has the endurance to, not just finish the race, but win it with honors.
But you might say their struggles are not the same.
After-all how do u compare first world problems to third? It's like crude oil and bottled water isn't it?

But these problems are only different on the outside, inside we face the same pain. heartbreak is heartbreak all over the world. failure is failure. rejection is rejection in each society there are those left on the outside. depression is depression. and suicide is a persons inability to win his internal struggle.

When we experience difficult times i'm convinced there is not much difference in our internal processing, the difference only lies in what our bodies see.

So cursed is the man who finds himself failing and living among rubbish, while also is the one living in luxury with no one to share it with, surely he has failed too.

What makes us different? one stronger one fitter, who determines who lives and who withers? is it God? ourselves? the Holy Spirit?

If I feel like a failure is that enough to write myself off? If I feel I've been forsaken what do I have to live for? If I know others feel the same or worse and I don't help them.... well how many of us would pull the trigger if we had access to the gun?

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