Wednesday, May 9, 2012


DC a place where people still smoke pipes

The only major metropolitian on the east coast where you will smell pipe smoke at 9am and 9pm walking down the sidewalk.

On special occasions top hats may abound. I wonder why

Why this transient modern wordly city sometimes clings to the past.

My thoughts are because in some ways it was a grander time.

worse things might have been happening but our lack of technology kept us in ignorance

now we can't hide, no one can

now most of those in the Capitol city are concerned with and working on the globe's most horrific tragedies

we can't shut our eyes so all we can do to escape now is take a quick break and evening off in costume where we pretend our ancestors didnt turn their backs on the founding ideals of freedom, equality, and justice.

fooling ourselves, consoling our souls, its all a weak attempt to keep our sanity.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Patience, relax.

that kiss will come

that passion will return

its one way, it's on the way 

capturing your lips 

grabbing me never to let go 

roughly make it rushed 

 force it, so i see it

can you feel it 

its leaving, not sparked

smothered with kindness 

kisses please what is this a new lease?

patience in waiting 
relax we are not there yet

when do you arrive, love?

never a min late or too soon  


just another love poem

finding that fine line between strength and femininity
I only find it in love
without love thinking ourselves super human never aware of what we lack, where we are vulnerable
a clever way to remind us of our less than super humanness

You can satisfy every need, even the comforts needed after dark
How do you take care of every lonely woman in the world?
I remember the times you stopped my tears, erased the scars
The few times you stung me with rejection to keep me safe and humble

When you wake me in the middle of the night just to have me without distraction
grabbing me by the hand whether we walk or dance or sing you always have what I need

thank you for making me smile and letting me linger in your love
Lord I'm yours forever.


God is AWE-some!

Please prayerfully consider a donation, I leave in 2 weeks!

Online fundraising for Meredith Thompson Midterm Mission 2012

Let the Walls Fall Down

I live a block away from the metro here in DC and on my walk home there was this path on one side was the pavilion area in front of the Safeway and the other a large covered fence kept us all from knowing what was on the other side. coming out of the store I would often walk the path between the fence and the metro elevator to take a slight shortcut home even though it was dark and creepy.

Well the other day I walked out and immediately took note of the beauty that was now uncovered. The fence had been hiding a beautiful field of bright green grass and flowers, it was now wide open for all to enjoy. People were walking through it, kids playing nearby and i slowed down my walk to take it all in as I passed by its side.

It was incredible that something once foreboding was now more than inviting and beautiful just by showing what was already there! Well I'm a single girl so I of course related it to my romantic life.

I'm open, some would say an open book, and it doesnt bother me that what you see is what you get. To me its beautiful, its not trying to cover anything up even the imperfections, even the vulnerabilities. It's beauty in its finest form. It does make you more apt to get hurt but I've never been one for playing it safe, why start with love? For me you can't achieve the most satisfaction from love until you are at your most vulnerable. When you tear off the band-aids of your last heartbreak exposing the wound to fresh air knowing it will either heal faster or start bleeding again. Now I know some people will be terrified at this thought, and remember I said nothing about how long that band-aid has been there, we must take time to grieve the end of a romance, but we also can't let those endings get in the way of the next beginning. 

It doesn't need to make you more careful or more defensive just stronger take that strength and apply it to the next task at hand whether love or something else, the lessons learned from expressing yourself and perhaps a little rejection will make you more beautiful, more confident, and more faithful. You'll learn quickly that Jesus is there to walk with you every step of the way, filling your soul when your body or mind seem to be lacking. In turn you learn that you can handle even the things you thought you never could.

Hey this is just one single girls opinion but I take as a motto living as if you'll die today and if that's the case I want people to know the honest feelings I have inside. Some people have gone not knowing how much I cared, or how much I appreciated them. I just pray that any pain endured from living this life exposed will be turned into glory for God. 

i should write

These hands have worked
They create things, they are full of joy and beauty
I see a renewed life in them

They are His of all the things to  turn over to Him
to remind myself that they are His and not mine
the body is the hardest

having worldly owners since a tender age i dont even feel it's mine to give
what would you say to heal the pain
Read the Book its full of joy and beauty

will it take my anguish
when I wonder why these feelings come into play
why i can't just play a little longer
kids called in before the streetlights come on
all grown now we sleep when the sunrises

see there's joy and beauty to be found in bringing light into the darkness
He goes before us protection and favor abound
there will be something waiting for us when we return
when our work is done