Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Anomaly

I have something to say, what about what i want?

I've read a number of articles on the conversation that seems to have exploded b/c some Americans wanted to see a lot of inhumanity stopped. I think Teju Cole may have summed it up best in his Atlantic article, however I just think he forgot about a certain group of "do-gooders"- the selfish ones. I fall into that category, I want to live and work in Africa. I have wanted to since I was young, its hard to explain but sometimes you just feel drawn to something and know you will enjoy it before you start.

Now part of this backlash on Kony2012 -the white savior complex-suggests that no one but native africans should be concerned or be doing anything to better the conditions on the continent. Now why would someone tell me I cannot live or work somewhere because of something I can't help - like where I was born or the color of my skin? Now before I go any further I want to recognize that the white savior complex is very real and can and has caused great harm. My point is that some of us dont live and breath Africa because it gives us a warm fuzzy feeling or we feel some guilt from generations past or because we believe we can fix all its problems, some of us just want to do what we do here but do it in Africa.

I want to be a friend, sister, lover, and patriot -in Africa.  I want to work hard and learn from those around me and share my thoughts, I want to brighten someone's day, smile and sunbath -in Africa. I want to eat, laugh, have fun and dance -in Africa.

So I am going to Africa, I'm going where ever my God calls me and I am so thankful that, for now at least, it happens to be somewhere I selfishly want to be. I go with no expectations, I go with the same mind I would go anywhere, I go knowing the pitfalls and intricacies of the complex that plagues so many westerners and praying to keep my mind free and untangled of them. I go knowing my success depends on the success of those around me. I will carry with me my heart and passion for improving efficiency and equality to increase our human standard of living.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

She knows

lying here another cold night alone not hearing her worth

not seeing it visible in his eyes

the silence tells her she's nothing

the floor knows her knees well and the ground runs with her tears even it is tired of wiping them away

knowing her worth but not believing in it,

believing instead that he will change

one day she will see herself in his eyes

its just not today....